Service Provider Information

Not provided
Type of Primary Care Provider
Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner
Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong Registered Number
Academic Title / Practising Qualification
  • Bachelor of Chinese Medicine of the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Continuing Education / Professional Development
  • Currently participating in continuing education in Chinese Medicine (CME) as prescribed by the Practitioners Board of the Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong and complied with the requirements determined by the Practitioners Board
Type of Practice
Government Primary Care Enhancement Programme
Please check with the Chinese medicine practitioner for details and updated information regarding their scheme participation in the Primary Care Programmes.
Language / Dialect Spoken
Cantonese, English, Putonghua
List of Service Provision
Service provision and cost may vary, up-to-date information is available on enquiry.
Chinese medicine (General Practice)*
Chinese medicine (Acupuncture)*
For other services or tests not listed, please contact the Chinese Medicine Practitioner for details.
Those fields with " * " indicate price on request.
Barrier Free Facilities
Accessible Entrance, Accessible Lift, Accessible public information/service counter, Accessible Toilet, Wheelchair Accessible Examination Table
CUHK-SHFA Integrative Medical Centre
Type of Practice
Government Primary Care Enhancement Programme
Please check with the Chinese medicine practitioner for details and updated information regarding their scheme participation in the Primary Care Programmes.
Language / Dialect Spoken
Cantonese, English, Putonghua
List of Service Provision
Service provision and cost may vary, up-to-date information is available on enquiry.
Chinese medicine (General Practice)*
Chinese medicine (Acupuncture)*
For other services or tests not listed, please contact the Chinese Medicine Practitioner for details.
Those fields with " * " indicate price on request.
Barrier Free Facilities
Accessible Entrance, Accessible Lift, Accessible public information/service counter, Accessible Toilet, Wheelchair Accessible Examination Table
Date of Last Update


The above information is for reference only, please contact the service provider for details.
If the information displayed on this website is found not to be the latest, please contact the Primary Healthcare Commission (